Okay. So many of the people I know really fit that expression that Shephard uses....WYSIWYG...pronounced wizzywig...which means What You See Is What You Get.
There is one person that some of you may remember from "The Facts Of Life", Charlotte Rae. She might be surprising because she is a very very bright intelligent woman who is extremely talented, and I would have to say, "pixilated"...! Not in the way we use that word now...but in the old fashioned original way...a very charming pixieish person with a somewhat off kilter kind of personality....You actually can see that in some of the parts that she played on Broadway and elsewhere...You don't particularly see that in "The Facts Of Life"....Actually, she seems kind of 'regular' and usual in that show. Well there is nothing about her that is 'regular' or 'usual', and yet...there is, when you come right down to it....But, like I said, she is wonderfully amazingly 'pixilated'!
5. If you could have starred in any movie, what movie/role and how would you have played it?
Oh, this one is truly impossible, Shephard! (lol) In all honesty I don't think about stuff like that...So to come up with some 'role'...Oy! The thing is, I cannot even come up with a possible part/role....it just isn't me. Sorry about that. The best I can do to is come up with a performance or two on film that I think is perfect. Perfect in every way....Could not be improved upon by me or anyone else. Two performances come to mind immediately, and though I am sure there are more....these are the two I will write about.First....Bette Davis in "All About Eve". A perfect performance in the most perfect and best film ever made about the Broadway Theatre....ever, ever! Would I like to play that part? Well, only if I could do it exactly like Bette Davis...and may I say, who needs that? We have Bette Davis' fantastic perfect performance already. (Screenplay and Direction by Joseph Mancewitz...) Rent this film if you don't already know it and love it! It is a great great film, truly.
The second performance, a performance I have mentioned before...Kim Stanley in "The Goddess". This was a small independent film that was released in 1958. I am not even sure Netflix has this...Well, all I can say is, I have never seen another performance on film as great as this one, by anyone....I think, for me this is the very greatest performance by an actress ever put on film that I know of or have seen....
It covers a woman's life from the time she is a little girl of four or so, till she is in her mid to late thirty's....It is another 'show business' film, only this time about a young girl who longs to go to Hollywood...She does go, and she becomes a big 'star' and she proceeds to disintegrate before our eyes. Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant. Would I want to play that part...Well, only if I could be as great as Kim Stanley was...and again...we already have her fantasticlly moving performance, so we don't need a lesser imitation of any kind )Incidentally, the original Screenplay was by the great Paddy Chayefsky....the brilliant one-of-a-kind writer, who gave us, among other great great films, the film "Network" and predicated in this brilliant incredible film, everything that television has become. This movie was released in 1976. Rent that, too, while you are at it.
So, there you have it. I know I am supposed to post the rules and such for this meme, but I did that already and 9 people asked me to 'interview' them, so at this point I am all questioned out (lol)...I hope you all understand....
Although we have delicious "pains" in France - even in the South of France - the city you're talking about is "Juan-les-pins" ("pins" means "pines" in English). But these ones tend to disappear because of the forest fires damaging the whole region every summer. Anyway, the area is still beautiful but I guess it's not what it used to be...
Wow another new interview. I like the questions and your answers. I think I read about those art pieces you like once. I find it nice as well.
Hope you have a nice weekend Naomi and Michele sent me this time.
Hi Naomi! Just popped over to see what you are up to and wow what a great post. I had already been to Shephard's and guessed the letter was from you. With regard to the flower- there is a rose called 'Blue Moon' which I once grew - see if it comes anywhere near.
I agree with you about Bette's 'All about Eve'. Didn't Marilyn make a tiny appearance in it? 'Fasten you seat belts! It's gonna be a bumpy evening!'
Here's hoping someone solves the problems with Blogger. More and more peopl;e seem to be suffering.
Have a great week-end!
I really enjoyed reading this so much.
I LOVED the movie All About Eve...what a performance by Davis and what a story. I'll have to add The Goddess to my list.
ooh, you're right - these were hard ones! I say, who cares if it's a city or not? It still counts. ;)
I think I'd have the same trouble as you choosing a role, too - the roles I like best are, well, played by people who were already amazing.
Hello from Michele's!
Wow - those are really difficult questions!!
There is a rose called Blue Moon which is absolutely gorgeous....sort of an ice-blue :-)
I'll answer your email when I get home tonight :-)
Enjoyed reading your interview as it is always, always the case when I come over for a visit :)
What a treat!
And while I was reading your post, a dear friend of mine called from California!!!!! he is Chilean and lives there (not far from LA) with his lovely wife and children. I love it when we notice that it's a small world after all
Fascinating, as usual and very thorough answers. Speaking as someone whose business it is to ask questions, I wish more people would elaborate as you have.
Here from Michele's,
I can tell you have put an awful lot of thought into aswering those questions. They were certainly thought provoking to read nad your answers were wonderful! I do hope there is a flower like the 'Naomi' as it sounds gorgeous :-)
What interesting questions and great answers. As always you've taken your time to do it properly in all it's details. Great to know you even better - thanks for sharing!
I think your Naomi-flower is just perfect for you - a great choice!
Wishing you the greatest end to your week:-)
Oh Naomi, I knew I'd enjoy your answers. :) I was tickled to read about Charlotte Rae... I have always liked her (even before Facts of Life). I love that she's pixelated. :)
All About Eve... love that... we recently saw Sheryl Lee Ralph in "Applause" (it's musical cousin) and were thrilled with it. But you're right... how can you top Betty. Still... I think you might have made a charming Auntie Mame.
Oh that there were purple roses. :)
I must say I enjoyed this one and I know it was tough for you!! You did it wonderfully though! The flower you describe is lovely but there are so many, so I can certainly understand how you just can't answer such a question like that!
I always liked Charlotte Rae. It was nice to have more info about her personality.
Hope you are having a great weekend Naomi!! Hugs to you and Sweetie!!
How fun. I got interviewed too, I found it a fun meme. You got some great questions.
I learned something here tonight. As "computer literate" I think I might be...I don't always know all the abbreviations. WYSIWYG pronounced whizzy wig, is I think a perfect abbreviation of me :)
For the longest time at my business, we had a client with WALSTIB on his truck. I used to call him Mr. Walstib (DUH)... as the years went by and we became friends... I learned that the logo was from Jerry Garcia... What a long strange trip it's been.
Great answers. You describe old movies so well. I've never been a fan of old black & whites...but then again...I've never watched them much. I think I might have to start :)
Naomi, thanks for the mention. I wish there was such a thing as a Naomi rose in shades of lavender to purple. There are Sterling Silver roses, in palest lavender, and blue birds, in med. lavender. Blue curiosas are lavender with a hint of rose in them. Those are the most popular and well-known ones at the moment. There are no true purple roses, but there is a purple flower that resembles a rose, and it is called lisianthus. The double variety is often mistaken for a rose.
Charlotte Rae was another favorite of mine; we watched The Facts of Life when my children were growing up, and loved her role in it.
When you were in Cannes having dinner and the astronauts were landing on the moon, I was in the hospital maternity ward. My second child was born on July 15, 1969, and I watched the moon landing coverage from my hospital bed. I was so proud of that moon landing that you would have thought I had something to do with it....LOL.
As usual, I forgot to say that Michele sent me. Sorry!
Back again - third time's the charm, right?
You can get intoo Michele's site by using www.bloglines.com, but you will have to open an account with them.
I got a mass email from Michele (maybe you did too). She will check on the problem on Mon. morning.
I read both interviews and they were both fascinating! I think if I could have one work of art that was really famous, it would be a painting by Caravaggio, I love his work.
I agree with you that those were HARD questions! I think any question that asks for a "favorite" anything is hard.... because it almost always depends upon circumstances. I think you did a FABULOUS job - and I'm very disappointed that you are "questioned out" ... I would have loved to answer your questions! ;)
Great answers to hard questions! I must try to see "The Goddess" now....I'm on a mission to find it somewhere. eBay, perhaps?! Hahah. Loved the flower question and answer. Those really made me think.
Happy Sunday !
Great questions! Nice to learn more about you.
Naomi, 1 word that never describes you is "boring." Regardless of your topic, I'm captivated.
I was going to say who wouldn't want to play a Goddess?
Her questions were really hard! Good answers...I enjoyed learning more about you. I am glad you did so well with the artwork question. That would have been hard for me!
I like the questions and your answer is great, too! Those meme allow me to know more about you!
Thanks Naomi for your nice words on ElderAbuseHelp, you was so kind and gentle with me! I appreciate it so much!
Boy that was a tough interview. I understand about the answers needing whole posts. We learn a lot about each other through these interviews though.
great post...I love All About Eve...Bette at her finest! I just did a post on Classic Movie lines- of course a line from this made it. Stop by and say hi sometime.
Name: OldOldLady Of The Hills
Location: Los Angeles, California