Back to the portrait.
The time spent posing for Morris really cemented the closeness of our friendship. I posed for him for about three months, twice a week at first and then once a week for the last few weeks. We had such fun. We laughed all the time. No one I know loves to laugh more than Morris. And, as I said in my previous post about him, he has a better sense of humor than most of the hearing people I know.
The Portait is an Oil on Canvas. And Morris chose the dress he wanted me to wear, having literally looked through my entire closet....I can still see him going through all my dresses...moving one after another...till he saw this dress.
I posed for him for about a month before he was ready to show me anything that he had been painting. So it was pretty thrilling to finally see what he was doing. The thing that knocked me out and that was utterly fascinating to me was this: He had chosen to do two 'Naomi's'. One is facing right-out-front----looking straight ahead---directly out at the world. And then, just behind that 'Naomi'---there is a kind of shadow 'Naomi', in profile----eyes down almost inperceptibly so---(Morris' Genius here......!) and this is a bit more contemplative 'Naomi'...(look at the hands)....I thought this was total total fantastic Genius!
Like, here's the 'Public Face' and then, here's the 'Private Face'...(which might be more hidden. Yes, especially, back then...I was pretty young back then...well, at least from my vantage point right now, I was truly pretty young and my feelings were much more hidden...)
And what Morris "got", was that I was in mourning. He understood, on a level that one cannot even put into words, that I was in deep deep mourning. He knew that my mother had died less than a year before and he caught something of that in this great great painting. He truly did. And I will be forever grateful to him for understanding something about me that no one else did, at that time....And that he was actually able to capture this forever, in a painting, by putting oil to canvas----this is the miracle of true "ART"...
Morris gave this painting to my father. I mean, it was a gift to him. So before it was to leave California to go back to east, Joan Ankrum wanted people in Los Angeles to see this unusual and unique painting.
So she had a 'special reception' at her gallery, The Ankrum Gallery, (The Gallery I was associated with as an artist and that showed my work for almost thirty years)....and it was the only time that the painting has ever been seen here in Los Angeles.... This is the only photograph I have of that reception...It is, the fantasically talented Morris and me, standing in front of the portarait-painting, talking to someone unseen. The year was late 1967....almost forty years ago.....
While I was posing for him for this particular painting he told me that he was going to do a second color drawing of me after he finished the oil, and he needed to choose a blouse for me to wear.....Tune in, next time.....
More To Come.......
What an amazing artist. The painting Mary I is a unique depiction, she seems to have something holy about her even though she is quite fragile looking. Michele sent me, and I'm glad she did.
What a wonderful story of the painting. Such a long relationship.
How wonderful. You have led a truely amazing life.
That he is an excellent artist cannot be disputed, Naomi. But in the portrait of you, although I like very much the overall look and the two figures was a genius choice, he did not capture your facial beauty at all. You may have been in mourning, and that shows, but you were (and are) much prettier than that painting.
Wonderful, wonderful and most wonderful! Thank ypou for sharing more of his art and your collection. The portrait of you is fantastic. I really do see in it the things you describe. How clever of him to see past the public you to the inner you, but that id the beauty of friendship isn't it?
. . . and I can't wait! I want to see the blouse!
WOW. WOW. Such beautiful memories to have. I love it.
I was certainly not expecting another post on this magnificent artist quite so soon! What a SURPRISE! This is fabulous Naomi! I really LOVE you for sharing his art with us! I would NEVER have gotten to see it otherwise! Don't you just find that amazing?
I sort of have to agree with Judy. You wrote how you laughed and laughed with the artist, and then showed this painting of the dour Naomi...which isn't YOU. Even in mourning I can't imagine you ever looking as dour as you do in that picture. I see you smiling all the time, as every picture you post shows your glorious smile. But the painting... you look too sad, too morose.
I love the first painting in this post, the cap of Mary's. It's lovely and says so much to me.
Michele sent me back to admire your friends art again. That portrait of you IS genius. It perfectly shows what you were holding inside. Portraits aren't always about what you see on the surface. They are not photographs are they?! :-)
Absolutely fascinating. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
I'll be thinking of these pictures and your stories for days.
OLOTH I would love for you to pop over to Sarch's Blog. We're having a little get together over there. You would be a welcome addition to the conversation.
I know so little about great art and artists, but your collection of Morris Broderman's works speak to me of how clearly he viewed the depth of each subject he captured, especially the portrait of you..
They are wonderful and I'm really looking forward to seeing more.
I am thorougly enjoying the Broderson series.
I agree with you; the hands in "your" painting are exquisite. Hands are so hard to make look real and normal and natural. His work is perfection!!
Oh. Wow. Naomi.
You've introduced me to a new and novel artist! How flattering to be a subject!! The two figures is fascinating! I too am glad Michele sent you over my place! Thanks for stopping by.
I adore that first picture with the scarf and of course the ones of you are magnificent. Such talent.... it is the one thing I wish I could do... draw and paint... but, not even stick figures look very good when I get finished with them.
Can't wait to see more!
Oh neato! The whole post is a good read but the painting of you is really something else! Very interesting!
He really does seem to be exceptional. His paintings show so much just by the expression alone....I loved yours and I love the way you say he captured your painful mourning from your mother. I loved the photo of you at the reception too.
Always the place to come for great stories and I learn so much here!
What a remarkable painter, Naomi! More I read your story more I appreciate Broderson. I like very much the portrait of you, it's very expressive! Love your photo with the artist and your portrait at The Ankrum Gallery. And you are very, very beautiful!
How special to have been painted by an artist so talented. I love what you're wearing in the painting, and the light and texture he put into it.
From your words, it sounds like he's still with us. Are you still in contact with him at all?
I have to say it once again:
Reading your blog gives me so much. Your way to tell stories, not only from your wonderful garden alone, but from a rich life, is fascinating. AS you know, I'm a Norse, so my English is "childish", i.e., I'm not capable to express in detail how I to comment the way I would in my native language.
You may have observed I had a few days at Côte d'Azure last week - Spring fewer blast it was - staying with my old friend Hakon (b 1930).
He needs a bit "compliments" to his blog. 'cause I want to inspire him, and he his a good writer.. Have posted from both my blogs - amd below is his English Blog.
Very interesting stuff Naomi! He was such a good artist. How wonderful that he painted you!! I love reading this and I can't wait to see/read "the rest of the story!" I really like the dress he chose. Can't wait to see the blouse!
I just can't get over what a true genius this man is. Talk about vision and the creative ability to put what's in his head to canvas.
The mother and child was just incredible and I am amazed at how he captured the two Naomi's. I absolutely loved that piece. I bet I stared at it for 10 minutes with my jaw hanging. I was captivated with how he could capture the "emotional" you.
You've had some amazing people cross your path, Naomi, and I'm so glad you've crossed mine.
PS...I may have missed it here, but please give us an update on him. Is he still alive? Still painting?
What an interesting style in painting. I have no talent so it's always fun to see someone else's. How nice that he did one of you. Very cool!
Wow that is really an amazing painting. Artists can really see into the soul, can't they?
I am just in awe with his works. And gosh your portrait looks really nice but I agree to some commenters that the facial look on that painting wasnt able to capture the entire beauty of you. Anyway it is still wonderful!
What to say, but this is another fascinating story from the past. The uniqeuness is that you so well combine the past and present..
btw. I'm so grateful for the comment you gave to my friend in Vence. I can tell you more..
What a wonderful post. I see that I'll have to get caught up on a lot of reading.
I love it. It's like an emotional interpetaion of what he saw. My favorite is the first one. The child with the hat obsucuring his face really speaks to me. I feel like that sometimes.
Thanks for visiting and your kind words. xo
I read these posts backwards, the top one first, then this. I'd written a comment on the 1st & took some of it down, but in this post, you address what I'd mentioned.
I wonder if him being deaf actually allowed him to be more intuned to you, ie...your grieving, than others would/could be.
I have heard when someone is missing 1 sense, our other senses become stronger. I hope this doesn't sound ignorant of me.
I am also wondering, ignorantly, how you communicated with him. I'm guessing he read lips?
He's definitely such a unique artist, I can feel your genuine love for him. It seems the 2 of you had 1 of those rare connections that defy explanation.
The detail of his painting of Mary, oh my gosh, is so beautiful. As always Naomi, thank you for sharing your world with us. I always leave your blog feeling better than when I arrived.
Name: OldOldLady Of The Hills
Location: Los Angeles, California