Friday, July 27, 2012
Okay. So, here is a picture of a beautiful arrangement sent to me on my Birthday, from my sister Gene, (designed by Van and from Van's Flower Shop---The Conservatory). Beautiful! Luscious! "Spring Into Summer"......Flowers and Nature is all I can write about these days. I am so deeply depressed because of my brothers death....So "flowers" bring me up a little.....Bear with me, please---if you can.
A closer look at this hopeful, helpful, heartfelt group of flowers---Oh MY! Aren't those tulips gorgeous? And the roses...and.....and....
What is that strange little flower over on the extreme right---yes---that round little flower that looks like these small cups gathered together?
Magnificent! Who is this person---this amazing living presence? Look at the centers...Iridescent Blue?? Hello! Nature created this incredible flower---this complex amazing flower. I'm 81 years old, and this is completely new to me. I have never seen this flower---"SCABIOSA POD". ever, ever, before in my whole life. It Is Magical!
And, as with all flowers---the closer you get in, the more amazing you realize nature is......
Flowers within a flower.....And in this case, an iridescent blue flower....How stunning is that? How amazing is that? To me? It is truly miraculous......
Each one of these cups that make up the whole flower has this iridescent blue five point flower in the middle, and the bottom of the cup is this pale green....Beautiful, Beautiful......
No two flowers of any kind, are exactly alike---in shape and even often in shading....This one above was a bit darker---but still, so very gorgeous....And the interior flower is always iridescent blue as well as the bottom of the cup being a pale green---it's the shading that might be different...And here are two more close-ups from two different flowers, below......
And just so you can see the whole flower within the arrangement one more time....Here it is, below.
More To Come..........
| posted by OldLady Of The Hills at 12:02:00 AM
Saturday, July 21, 2012
some beautiful roses
Here are some really beautiful Roses that were part of two different arrangements that came from The Conservatory, on my Birthday (Van's Flower Shop); arrangements, as always, created my Van, himself.
There is nothing like a Beautiful Rose to lift ones spirits and to remind one of the exquisite colors in nature........
Above, a simple White Rose.....but, as we know, nothing is really simple when it comes to nature, and there are variations of color in that simple White Rose. And below.....two amazing Roses that speak for themselves in their startling color combinations......
Nature. You cannot top it, for beauty.......And below.....
Another startling combination of colors----a feast for the eyes, to say the least.......And, a feast for the soul, too.......And here is another one of these combination-of-colors Roses, below.......
A sister to the one above it.....And below, another great beauty......
I never tire of seeing beautiful exquisite Roses....And below, two more beauty's......
And one last Rose below, for your great visual and visceral pleasure......
More To Come...........
| posted by OldLady Of The Hills at 1:09:00 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2012
the beauty of nature
Here is a very unusual---to me---Orchid. Small blossoms, all in a cluster. So very delicate and beautiful. The beauty of nature, abounds......(Oh, dear reader, be sure to click on these pictures to make them all bigger--this is the way you will see what is actually here...And if you couldn't see the 'angel bird' in my last post---do the same there, too....)
Again, the amazing and very generous Van, sent me this beautiful exotic plant right after my brother died. I have never seen anything quite like this Orchid, before. These blooms-blossoms, are each about a 'silver dollar' size---actually, maybe smaller---like a $.50 cent piece size......But being clustered together...Well....they make one gorgeously distinctive unusually stunning plant.....Here, below....some closer looks at the amazing creativity that abounds in nature.......
Oh My! What do we have here? Another something in the center....A Creature, of sorts. See the two eyes? And look at the incredible colors in the center of this little bloom.....It takes your breath away.....And we get in closer, below.....
And closer, yet again...........
Now don't tell me you don't see this 'creature'. And look at those GORGEOUSLY Exquisite colors surrounding 'the creature'. This is nature. This is not something that has been manipulated in "Photoshop" or something that has been manipulated in any way at all....! This Is What These Orchid Blossoms Really And Truly Looks Like, When You Get In Close Enough.Wow.More To Come.........
| posted by OldLady Of The Hills at 12:57:00 AM
Friday, July 06, 2012
angel bird
Orchids are the most magnificent flowering plants, in my opinion. The colors; the shapes; the delicacy, yet the strength.....They are all truly exotic and fantastic plants, in every way.
The wonderful Van, the fabulous Florist who I adore and who is a true "artist", sent me this beautiful Orchid for my Birthday.....The interior colors of this magnificent yellow Orchid are stunning....So, I wanted to take some pictures of it. I always want to get in closer to the centers of these magnificent glorious plants.....
When I saw this picture above, through my lens, I knew I had to get in even closer than that....The exquisite colors of that middle center section just took my breath away.....Then, when I did get in that much closer, I saw this amazing and very moving sight.......
It looked like a sweet little white 'Angel Bird', right there in the middle....It brought tears to my eyes.
It looked like he was praying and like he was here to look out for me----I felt like my brother had sent this dear little 'Angel Bird' to me, to let me know he was okay and that he was watching over me from afar----yet not really from afar.....
And I felt like he was telling me, no matter all the sadness---and there is great sadness, that there was still great beauty in the world if you just take a few moments to look and see. And that this kind of great beauty was in nature and so as I looked at this delicate bloom, taking it all in, I saw that there was something truly spiritual right there in front of me---surrounding me in this quiet hushed way......
What a sweet poignant little 'Angel Bird' this is.....Through the sensitivity of Van choosing this very special Orchid just for is this dear sweet 'Angel Bird' bringing me solace and some kind of feeling of peace---even if it just momentary.....What a great gift this is.......
This little 'Angel Bird' touched my heart and reminded me that there are things bigger than any of us may understand.....But the most immediate feeling for me was and is, that my brother is at peace and he is letting me know that he is alright and that he is watching over me, just as he did, in life, when we were children.....
I have taken literally hundreds of close-ups of Orchids---maybe even a thousand, and in all the years I have been taking pictures, I have never seen anything like this before. I know some people might think this all sounds kind of crazy and very 'woo woo', and maybe it is.....Well, they can think whatever they want. What I know in my heart? I know that the beauty of this Orchid has given me something very special; a continued belief in a 'higher power', and a reminder that there are things greater than ourselves that we may not fully understand---but they are there, if we just open our eyes and our hearts. And at this moment I am deeply deeply grateful for that........More To Come.......Note: Just a word about Nora Ephron. The word is "amazing". She was a force of nature in many ways; a funny, honest, fantastic writer and essayist; a film director; a special friend to all who knew her, (I wish I had known her, personally, that is. I didn't, but I felt like I did. That is the kind of 'artist' she was.).....She is already so very missed by so very many. My deep condolences to her family and friends. Gone To Soon......RIP Dear Nora Ephron.
| posted by OldLady Of The Hills at 12:06:00 AM
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
happy 4th...!

Wishing you all a Very Happy and Safe 4th of July Weekend.....! Enjoy, Enjoy!
More To Come........
| posted by OldLady Of The Hills at 10:44:00 AM
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