Sunday, January 13, 2008
cute visitor

I had a little visitor yesterday...or was it the day before? Well...anyway, I went into the kitchen in the morning to feed Sweetie and myself.....and I was washing Sweetie's dishes....(yes, dishes---sometimes 6 or 7....Don't of these days I will really embarrass myself and post those I saw movement and there building a web was this really teeny tiny little guy..... You can see how little he was....I mean.....really really little.....But the reason I saw him was the sun was coming in the room from the windows in the living room, behind me....And so that made a kind of shadow on the backboard and that is where I saw movement..... And there he is coming down almost to the spout....(That stuff that looks disgusting on the edge of the water spout is dried compound, used by the plumber to secure the sprayer, which is not on there anymore....) I was amazed that this little guy stayed around for any length of time at all, with the water running..... Here you can see that section of my sinks and it gives you a better idea how really tiny my little visitor was.....About 20 minutes later, when I went back in to the kitchen...he was gone. Maybe he decided this was not the safest place to build a web.....But I loved being able to capture him with my camera....Nature, doing it's thing. These little things bring me great joy.....

More To Come......

Blogger Pat
had this to say:

Nothing wrong with your eye sight Naomi. I am getting better but insects do freak me out a bit:) You just see the beauty.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 2:51:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Thanks for celebrating the little spider. Signs and wonders, everywhere. Anansi, little eight legs, you have come to bless this Monday....

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 3:55:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

you are braver than I am Naomi! lol.. I can't say I am a fan of spiders.. never have been, but 13 yrs in florida "seal the deal"..where most spiders are poisonous and HUGE!! That certainly changes how you look at spiders LOL.. and to think, as a kid I love "daddy long legs" and would let them walk on my arms and hands!

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:12:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Hey Naomi ... the little spider is tiny! When I was a very little girl, they used to fasinate me but not so much anymore!

I posted a picture of Sugar in her stoller for you! She and I both love that part of the day.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:13:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

It's truly a small, small world. One never knows where or under what circumstances it is proven to us. I have to tell you the following:

In reading comments to your blog I saw a comment from a reader who said he would complete your MeMe after he completed his present project. Being curious, I 'clicked' my way to his blog and was amazed to see you were the author of the blog that I have followed for several months. WOW!!

In the early '60's I was visiting relatives in LA. It was on that trip that, at the age of 21, I first experienced what I considered "real theatre." As a special treat one of the cousins took me to see "Spoon River Anthology." It was a wonderful experience. I loved (and still love) the music. I have never forgotten that experience. I have no musical talent but really appreciate those who do.

Several years later I saw your name associated with a movie that I believe was made for television, “Life of the Party” staring Carol Burnett. The movie made an impression on me not only because of the story line but because of Carol Burnett’s accepting the role. However, my initial interest was because I saw your name associated with the movie and remembered your music from “Spoon River Anthology.”

I never thought I’d have the opportunity tell you how much I enjoyed my first experience with “real theatre.” “Thank you.”

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 8:10:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Great is wonderful that you take such great joy in simple things. I love that about you!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 9:02:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

If Sweetie sees him it'll probably be goodbye little spider!

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 9:02:00 AM PST 

Blogger Tea
had this to say:

Such a tiny spider. I wanted to say hi and tell you I`m enjoying your blog which I found through Rick Rockhill. Your Sweetie has such beautiful blue eyes!


Monday, January 14, 2008 at 10:53:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Hi Naomi,

Sorry I haven't been around for a while - I was so busy last week I barely had time to catch my breath - and this weekend was spent recovering....

I love this spider - I like spiders....was he really colour co-ordinated with your taps or is the golden hue due to the glorious Californian sunshine? :-)

btw - read Mary's comment with a big silly smile on my face...yet more fans, my dear friend...!


Monday, January 14, 2008 at 11:29:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Aww, you're so sweet. I would of squished him!
Now, a ladybug I will corral and put it outside on my flowers.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 1:33:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

I think he was just thirsty, Naomi....LOL

I love Mary's comment; isn't it a small world!?

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 3:45:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Your spider post reminds me of a song my children learnt at Nursery School:

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.

Except in this case it wasn't a water spout, it was your kitchen tap!!

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 5:22:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Like pi insects freak me out too. Not all of course. Only spiders, worms (all kinds), cockroaches. They give me goose pimples when I see them. But with spiders, I don't like them but I leave them alone when I see them because I know they are helpful around too.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 5:24:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

When I use my camera to take piccies of spiders, no matter what I size, i seriously can't see them! Nothing wrong with your eye site Naomi!! I have a little spider in my kitchen. He's been here since we moved in. I don't bother him and he doesn't bother me. He catches all the nasty little flies for me.

On our latest Sunday drive, I saw so many big spiders inbetween branches. Big colourful orb spiders with big beautiful webs. I don't mind them outside in nature but there ain't no way I would want them around my house!! No way. I did take some photos but I didn't want to get too close for obvious reasons. (The obvious reason is me being scared stiff!) Monet thought they were fascinating.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 6:43:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Yes, Naomi, it was the spring of 1963 when I saw "Spoon River." You were wonderful. It was a perfect introduction to theatre. Thank you for responding to my comment. I hope all is well in your world and that your many friends know just how lucky they are to call you firend.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 6:49:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

You are such an amazing photographer!!! I love it.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:17:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

You didn't carry him outside to continue his work? So now he'll be catching flies somewhere in your house (very small flies). Nice pics.

Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:20:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

I am an arachniphobe but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate how pretty your little golden visitor was. I think he was exploring your home and looking for a place to build his. He might have moved on or found a better spot elsewhere in your home, so you might have a tiny little lodger! How wonderful that you spotted him and I love the photo of him making his way along the tap.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 1:33:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Dear Naomi..
I like spiders.
I am so glad that you just took pictures of the little guy and didn't squash him!
When I used to work out in the country, the kitchen window had piles of spider webs on the outside of the window and they were a wonder to see.
In the spring time, though I did have to clean them off and I used to tell the lady I was looking after there,
"Well here I am being a home wrecker again!"
I suppose all those little spiders and their families just had to run away, without even having the time to pack!
And then they would just have to spin themselves another spring cottage some where else!!

Great post and great photos......Love Terry

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 5:14:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Hello... first time visitor here.

My grandma used to say, "if you want to live and thrive let the spiders run alive." and to this day I always take the spiders outside (before my cat, Pearl sees them because she thinks they're tasty.)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 7:34:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

You are too sweet Naomi! Even the little spiders can get love from you. I'd be on the Internet making sure it wasn't a brown recluse or something. lol. Great pictures. And I did go by Shephard's to see his was really a great post.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 10:51:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

I daren't show this one to my agoraphobic six year old lol.
BTW I think you should definitely post a picture of Sweeties bowls. Mark and I were just talking about it the other day when I was feeding our two who share a twin bowl.Boo headbutted Jessie out of the way and I said to Mark I guess he wants a buffet like Aunty Em's cat LOL

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 12:02:00 PM PST 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

Where is he now? Your camera is like a microscope. My problem is with the really big spiders. Why do they always end up in the bathtub? I try to ignore them and not wonder about how many spiders they are reproducing and which ones bite etc.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 12:15:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Eeek! I'd worry he was going to crawl into my ear while I was asleep.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 1:33:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Vancouver Voyeur asked me to tell you that she had to delete her blog. She'll be starting a new blog soon and will get back in contact with you.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 2:46:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Aw, I bet he's still around somewhere. It's cold outside now, and spidies unlike cold.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 3:28:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Deanna mentioned brown recluse spiders. for a moment, i thought it might be one of those, too. if it is, ask the little bugger to leave. my ex-husband got bit by one, and he had to have SURGERY to fix the resulting hole in his leg before it was all over.

spiders are a sign of wealth, btw. i NEVER kill them. if one is in a place that i find totally inconvenient, like on the toilet seat, i pick it up gently in some kleenex and toss it out the window.

in fact, i don't kill bugs (save for skeeters, alas)...not even those big fat waddling roaches in the basement furnace room.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 4:24:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Naomi, it's a wonder that he didn't fall into your glass of water or sweetie's food.....My husband calls it "a little extra protein". YEK!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 4:41:00 PM PST 

Blogger JR
had this to say:

This is what I love so much about your blog. I never know what to expect and every day is an adventure for you. I love that you notice these things! Cool spider pic.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 4:41:00 PM PST 

Blogger JR
had this to say:

Oops, I forgot to say, I've deleted my blog and have begun a new one:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 4:42:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

Those little guys can end up being big, hairy, hitonious creatures!!
Spiders freak me OUT!!!
You are so nice for not squishing him.
That feller would not stand a chance if he'd been at my sink.
I hope you are not that kind to ants. They have a habit of bringing ALL their friends to visit.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 10:02:00 PM PST 

Blogger Bud
had this to say:

Naomi, now I'm worried that you took me seriously--just having fun with you. Bud

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 2:53:00 AM PST 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

Hmm, I'm wondering where this little creature disappeared to?
I just love your pink It's SO retro and so different.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 7:40:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Wooo...I'm scare of creepy crawlies ....

Nice to be back Naomi and sorry been away for so long, be catching up with you for sure :D

Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 1:09:00 AM PST 

had this to say:

Oh Dear - you really have the sense for beautiful details. I suspect it's a mark of your profession. Right?

Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 3:11:00 PM PST 

had this to say:

My cat has a name for those little spiders. I believe it's "lunch."

Friday, January 25, 2008 at 5:58:00 PM PST 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:


I'm spending my time here for the children of Haiti.

I'm doing this for a non-profit haiti organization that devotes themselves to
building an oppurunity for the kids in haiti. If anyone here wants to give money then then please do so here:

[url=]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti

They provide children in Haiti a positive learning environment.

Please check them out, they are legitimate.

It would be great if you could help

Friday, February 12, 2010 at 9:22:00 PM PST 

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