Saturday, July 21, 2007
broderson - part 3

This seems such an appropriate image for these days of sadness that our whole world is experiencing now for so very many and varied reasons, like all of the deaths in this horrific war, as well as the many thousands of wounded, too.....

This is a beautiful moving pastel that Morris Broderson gave me as a gift. Some people might think it odd or strange, and/or---in some cases, wrong, that I would have paintings of Jesus hanging on my walls because I am Jewish. Well, 'goodness' transcends religious beliefs or dogma, in my view. And beyond that, "ART" transcends these differences because one is moved emotionally by what one see's. How can you not be moved by what is in this painting? (And, besides that, Jesus was a Jew.) But the real point is that, as I just said, "art" transcends all of our differences. Though of course, it also expresses our differences sometimes, too. That is why "art" is so very important to our it is a painting or a piece of music or a film or a book or a play or a piece of sculpture....Art helps us understand more about the world and about ourselves....I believe it is essential for our well being, and the actual creation of art for those who do the creating is as neccassary as breathing. We all need to breath to live. Well, some of us need to create art, in order to live, too...without it "we would shrivel up and die...." So said Richard Dreyfuss in a tv interview I saw a long time ago, and I couldn't agree more.
I often think...What if Morris had not been encouraged by his aunt when she saw some of his drawings when he was barely a teenager? This boy who had all this incredible stuff inside him that needed to come out....His Aunt, Joan Ankrum, recognized this and was in a way the Annie Sullivan to his Helen Keller, in the sense that without her recognizing that this young boy had great great talent, none of this would ever have been tapped into...She sent him to study....and the world opened up for him and painting gave him a life, in every respect.
In the last post about Morris I showed that wonderful self-portrait done in it is again, just as a reminder....In this portrait he has another kind of shadow figure....a happy boy, who appears to be listening to flowers....this is an image he began painting back in the late 50's....I actually have a little pencil drawing of the boy listening to flowers, one of the very first things I bought of Morris'...And the first major painting of this image is here, over on the left. Unfortunately this is a very small reproduction of this major great painting....It is all that I was able to cull from the Internet, I'm afraid...But having a small picture of it is better than having no picture of it.... This was a collage I made for Morris...just using cut-out letters from magazines....It was during a time when I was doing a lot of collages where I used photo's, letters, and sometimes other memoribelia, depending on what the subject was...That seems a lifetime ago, in so very many ways....and it was....!
Going back to that 1994 portrait....I remember visiting Morris' in his studio and he was not quite finished with this magnificent self portrait---and he said, this was the last time he would paint this image of the boy listening to flowers....When I stood there in front of this incredibly moving painting, which brought me to tears....I said, I have to have this panting...So, I gave him a down payment on it, right then and there.... Above, a detail of that 1994 self-portrait....just looking at these eyes and all the sadness and the sense that in some way he is haunted....this is what brought me to tears...the genius of Broderson The Painter, capturing this interior view of himself.....magnificent!
Here below is another detail of this magnificent painting..... And you can see a part of that happy boys face as he is "listening" to the flowers....(Joan Ankrum, Morris' Aunt, came up with the title for these paintings, beginning with those first drawings back in 1960-61....Morris' loved that idea and heartily approved....) And one more detail above, a portion of the shirt he wore as he created this self-portrait....the details in all Broderson's paintings are always quite extraordinary....his use of layers and complex fabrics is astounding! As you can see, in the painting above of "Julianna", there are layers of clothing that are so very complicated and detailed, including this gorgeous scarf that goes around her head and then down under her very complex belt, which is very different from the fabric of the dress..... As you can see in this 'detail' above, there are two belts, one cloth, and one metal with hanging metal charms, as well as two completely different from each other---fabrics...all incredibly detailed in their patterns and quite beautiful. Julianna Fjeld, who happens to be deaf, too, (You may recall that Morris is deaf...) was the model for this portrait and a very good friend of Broderson's....He put the scarf around her ears and head to signify her deafness.... And above, a sweet picture that I took of Joan Ankrum and her dear talented nephew, Morris Broderson, back in July, 1989, on the roof of the Gallery building where Ankrum Gallery's last home was before Joan retired, and sold the building.... And twenty years before that picture of Joan and Morris, is this photograph above, of yours truly and some man that I do not recognize and Morris and Joan at the opening of his retrospective show at The San Diego Museum of Art....I never wear hats, but this was "an outfit" Matadors outfit....I think it was the one and only time I wore this ensemble...It is nice to have this record of it and of my friendship with Morris and Joan, too......Here below, is another side to Broderson.This is such a wonderful pastel....I'm sorry that it is not the greatest picture in the world, but this hangs very high on the wall, and This was the best I could do....But, here below is a 'detail' of this beautiful tender drawing.... This is a drawing that I looked at and looked at and looked at..AND, always felt that as badly as I wanted it---I already had so many other Broderson's, that well, I would think about it some more....I didn't have to ponder too long, because someone else bought it....But that was not meant to be either....Eventually they returned it to Ankrum Gallery and it was once again available....This took years....But, this time I snatched it up immediately, and I have never been sorry...It has such a wonderful feeling about it....the nest, so cozy and comfy looking....And, here below is a quotation from of Broderson's inspirations....that Morris included in the drawing.... Morris has painted a lot of birds and nests himself.....And I have said this before...Morris has such a tender tender heart....he is so very sensitive, and I think that shows in all of his work....I know it is one of the things that always drew me to him....his sensitivity and his talent. There is still more. And there will be.....

More To Come.....

had this to say:

These paintings are magnificent. It seems to me that he paints emotion rather than people or objects. The nest as you say, looks cozya dn warm adn represnts a feeling of home to me and the portrait of Jesus is so sad and so apt for these troubled times.

I don't find it at all strnge that you should ahve it either. As you say Jesus was a Jew, it's just a differnt belief about his significance and emotion and art does indeed transcend this anyway. Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. I am glad you did as I was quite moved by them.

Michele sent me this time but you know that I would drop by anyway :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 3:57:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

I wonder how I could have gotten through 4 years of art in college without hearing of him. I suppose his paintings post-date my time in art school, or maybe it is because he was on the west coast and I was near the east. Anyway, I love his art, which is both representative and impressionistic.

You should have worn hats more often, Naomi. That one was very flattering!

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 5:19:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Hi naomi! What lovely paintings especially 'Juliana'...thank you for sharing these. I continue entering your blog regularly. God bless.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 7:19:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

The whole story, the collage you made for Morris, his haunting self-portrait with the boy listening to the flowers...brought tears to my eyes. A moving post. Thanks for sharing this.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 7:22:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Good Saturday morning to you, Naomi !
Art speaks to the soul and the imagination, stirs our creativity, our hopes, and affirms that which has meaning to us.
With it, our world is richer. Nature has gifts, and artists add to that whether it be by painting or sculpture or with the written word !
You so apppreciate all the different facets that make life wonderful !
*cyber hugs and smiles*
Loving Annie

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 7:36:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Amazing art - the detail is breathtaking - I love the two belts and the layering. I hope you have a terrific Saturday, Hugs to you.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 9:15:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

What a continuing tribute to Morris' work :-)

I love the layers of his paintings, and I see why you stare at them for hours....

Michele sent me here today, but I'm not usually far away..... :-)


Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 11:27:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Hi, how are you today? This was so wonderful. Again I'm so thankful to have found you. These works seem to me like I could touch them and they would be real, textured. I could feel the fabrics of Julianna's clothing, the metals of her belt, the sticks in the nest...
You look so beautiful in the picture


Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 11:34:00 AM PDT 

Blogger MsT
had this to say:

The art is so beautiful and evocative - even more, with your explanations to accompany them. Thank you, as always for sharing your perspective and insight.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 12:10:00 PM PDT 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

His work is truly amazing, Naomi. BUT just as amazing are your flowers from last weeks posts. (As you know, I'm now playing catch-up from being gone)
You truly DO have a garden of wonders and those succulents...they almost don't look real! Such a waxy appearance and the colors...breathtaking! Really enjoyed all your photos.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 12:56:00 PM PDT 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

What wonderful painting art posts - so well documented with lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing this treasure of yours Naomi!

Wishing you a lovely end to your week:-)

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 1:00:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

I hope you'll forgive me for saying this, Naomi, but that portrait of Jesus scares me. There's a quality about the photo of your painting that just goes right through me. *shiver*

Moving right along... I was name dropping you to Bernie over at Burntofferings earlier today. He's got a picture of his cat "Jasmine" up that reminded me a lot of your "Snowball".

By the way, maybe you should wear hats more often--that picture of you is quite smashing. That hat really accentuates your face. My, my.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 4:44:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

I am absolutely thrilled that you have brought Morris Broderson to our, (my) attention. His work has so much depth to it and I'd never heard of him before. I've done some googling and found out more - that fact he did a series of paintings based on the life of Anne Frank for example.
I am SO drawn to the painting you were are so fortunate to own...the way he painted the other one listening to the flowers is ghostly and so ethereal.
I am curious (and this has nothing to do with his art)Does he use sign language? I ask because deaf adults his age were often made to lip read and NOT use signs. I used to be an interpreter for the deaf which is why I know this.
Looking at some of his body of work on line - it's just SPECTACULAR!
Thank you again for sharing.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 4:45:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

Okay, call me crazy, but this reads less like a blog post and more like a magazine article. Which is fantastic, but man, I'd love to see all the parts of it in print...

Michele sent me.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 5:00:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

I am so glad you shared these paintings! I learn so much from your blog, and these works are just incredible. But you know that!! :)

PS: I adore the photograph of you in the Matador outfit - you look stunning!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 5:29:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

All I have to say about your matador outfit is...
OLE!! :-)

You can judge how good an artist is by how well they can draw or paint hands. Hands are SO hard to do.
Just look at the hands in that self portrait and in Julianna's painting. What skill; what talent!!

The details of his work are so intricate.
I was noticing the top of Jesus' head where the light hits his hairline. WOW! Broderson's work ROCKS!!!!

I'm thoroughly enjoying these Broderson posts.
Thanks for sharing his work and sharing a portion about who he is with us.

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 5:47:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

Beautiful, as always. Self portraits are so hard to paint, at least I've always thought so. He did a wonderful job.

Just how many picture books do you have? :)

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 6:56:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

Beautiful, sad pictures, Naomi. And I sense a certain sadness within you reflected in your postings recently -- do remember to look as well at the sun as at the twilight, please?
Michele sent me tonight,

Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 9:07:00 PM PDT 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

This was a very poignant and beautiful post, thank you!

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 1:03:00 AM PDT 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

This is so revealing. It seems like a journey into feelings, thoughts and emotions.

I had such strang feelings looking at those. Michele would llike to have a dekko too, I think. She did send me here first. Glad she did.

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 1:24:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Simply beautiful yet sorrowful painting Naomi. The painting 'Julianna' is so spectacular. I seriously can appreciate the detail - the material-like layers are fabulous. Amazing, in fact. Thanks for sharing. Again. (And I do love the photo of you in the post. Very stylish indeed.)

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 3:52:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Thank you Naomi for walking me through the wonderful work by Morris...I am truly intrigue & fascinated to say the least.

You are so pretty :D

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 7:35:00 AM PDT 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

I've heard it said that life is a tapestry of a series of events all blended together. Certainly the many art forms of your life have woven a tapestry of every kind of emotion and sentiment the heart and soul can hold. What a glorious memory bank you have created for us to share. Every post is a serendipitous journey into time for reflection.

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 7:53:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Naomi, what beautiful artwork. Thank you for increasing my knowledge of art. I was so impressed (for lack of a better word) with the painting of the woman and how the clothes are so layered...fabulous work. All of his paintings are stunning.

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 9:56:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Naomi... is he related to Charles Broderson, a well known painter who does backdrops for NYC photographers (or did in the 80s, when I did that sort of thing)??

Catching up after being away...

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 1:11:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

A few things.

1. He really is an ASTOUNDING artist! His style is not "me" - but you HAVE to appreciate what he's done!

Having said that...

2. I'm sO glad you TOLD me that was a picture of JESUS ... because when I first saw it, I thought it was another SELF PORTRAIT of Broderson! LOL! Since none of us KNOWS what Jesus looked like, sometimes he can be right in front of our noses without even realizing it! (in more ways than one...)


I don't find you having a picture (or pictureS) of Jesus in your home any more weird than ME collecting dreidels! LOL! And yes... ART transcends it ALL!

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 1:58:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

Michele sent me back for another look at these beautiful pieces of art.

Y'know what also strikes me from this post is how much you love these pictures adn your admiration adn friendship with Morris. Truly wonderful :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 3:56:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

Ohhhh,Ilove the bird nest painting and the colors! absolutely fabulous Naomi!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 5:58:00 PM PDT 

had this to say:

Wow! Look at the detail in those pix!

BTW, I think you are a Rockin’ Girl Blogger!

Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 9:00:00 PM PDT 

Anonymous Anonymous
had this to say:

His work is very tender and haunting.

Monday, July 23, 2007 at 6:17:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

Wonderful paitings, Naomi! Great post! And you are gorgeous wearing the hat!

Monday, July 23, 2007 at 9:57:00 AM PDT 

Blogger Pat
had this to say:

It's good to see that he can look happy as he does in the photograph. He looks so hauntingly sad in the painting. Thank you for the privilege of seeing these through your eyes. You look stunning in the matador outfit.

Monday, July 23, 2007 at 10:40:00 AM PDT 

had this to say:

hmm love the painting. Looks like the lady is resting her head on the flower :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 3:15:00 PM PDT 

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