This was kind of fun, wasn't it? Maybe I'll try to do this again at some point....!
And here below is what the Cabbage Flower looks like today....But first, I'll remind you what it looked like exactly three months ago.... And as of yesterday, here below is what it looks like now......
I love that those inside leaves got greener as time went on but you see they were pure cream three monnths before.....And you see the edges where those little green dots had been lining the edge....well now those dots are pale pale tan---almost not descernible.
More To Come.......
I remember the movie but I can't remember what happened, except that it was the kind of thriller I like. I think it's funny that half the scenes in Medium are filmed with them in bed. She spends a lot of time sleeping and dreaming. Remember back in the Dick Van Dyke days when they had double beds!!!
Hi Naomi,
Hope you are doing okay.....i'm thinking of you. That bouquet is just as beautiful dried as it was in bloom!! Amazing how it preserved itself!
Hello, Michele sent me.
Those are some awesome flowers. Also, I really like medium..Mostly because the characters feeel real and not so "hollywood"
That's a beautiful floral arrangement!
I remember the movie too and actually I was checking Denzel's imdb profile and thought that the picture in your blog came from the movie Pelican Brief but I brushed it off and guessed his other movies which were wrong.
Lovely flowers! I cant wait for spring to be in full swing. Seeing new flowers is very refreshing despite my pollen allergies
See - I knew that I knew the answers! It's been soooo long since I saw that film though, that I must admit that I couldn't remember who Garcia was!
It's amazing how that arrangement dried. Although it isn't as vibrant as it was once it has preserve the form and shape and subtle shades perfectly!
Sure, I saw this film, but I forgotten it completely! Denzel Washington is really a very charming actor!
I hope you are fine!
Many hugs my dear friend!
I love trivia and all the connections between people. Oh and those flowers really do look like cabbage! Have a great weekend! (Sorry, once again Blogger is not allowing me to log in as VV)
You dry flowers better than anyone I know, Naomi. They look so rich and vibrant - unlike the usual dry-and-dull look.
How do you do that? Remarkable.
I haven't seen that movie in a while, but I loved the book and I will watch anything Denzel is in (even if I can't remember his name)....LOL.
You ought to send that photo of the dried arrangement to the florist is came from. He/she would be gratified to know it still looks almost as good as it did when you received it.
Hi Naomi! Thank you for the visit. I always enjoy coming here. Those incredible pale pink roses remind me of my little baby boys. They are now men of course and would not be pleased!
I remember that movie! I have an idea about a who-done-it novel centered on the Supreme Court and the control of it... but I've already said too much!
Michele sent me,
I actually did see that movie, but a long time ago. I remember it was very good though. Stay safe :)
I hope all is well with you, dear Naomi.
I did not see that movie, but I have heard of it! Lovely flowers, every one of them!!
I hope you are okay Naomi!! Take care!!
The flowers are amazing the way they stayed perfect although dried.
Flowers and Naomi go together in my mind now, I am still sad I couldn't bring mine home with me lol.
Hello, Michele sent me. I've never seen The Pelican Brief, but now it's on my list of stuff to rent.
Love the dried flowers...I've never successfully dried flowers.
The flowers dried beautifully!
Michele sent me. I hope your weekend is lovely.
I have to confess I hardly ever go to the movies and couldn't have answered even the "easy" question - but I do agree that Denzel is gorgeous. I love the rose with the green dots. Here from Michele's
Got pretty close;)
The cabbage flower is so pretty!!!
Have a great weekend:)
I see that movie all the time lol.. you'd think I would know who Garcia was! hahaha..
Denzel is surely easy on these old eyes! oh yeah.
I enjoy those Grisham novels and the resultant films. He writes well and with a good pace.
I'm slightly intrigued by the flowers, though. We have some ornamental cabbages in the UK which look like flowers. Is that what you have too?
The dried versions look very ornate, too!
Here today via Michele's!
Well, I certainly was way off on my guesses!
I DID know it was Denzel though, but who in the world DOESN'T know Denzel???
I hope your weekend is going well.
Now that spring is upon us, I believe we will be seeing bird's nests and evidence of a lot of new life, both plant and animal.
I've got dogwood trees blooming in my yard now, and they sure are pretty.
The dried floral bouquet is still very pretty.
My thoughts and prayers are with you for whatever you have been dealing with lately that has kept you away.
I have been away as well. We have had ISP server problems all week. I was not able to visit or post until Friday. It is funny because I thought of so much to post when it was down. When it came back on I couldn't think of a thing to
Fingers crossed it will continue running now.
The flowers are gorgeous live and dried!
Huggles and Love,
Naomi, I hope you are feeling better and that you will be back to visiting soon. Michele sent me. BTW, Denzel is almost prettier than your flowers.....teehee.
I saw the movie Pelican Brief long ago, Naomi, and really don't remember it very well. I enjoyed the book quite a bit when it came out--but the movie, for some reason, didn't make as strong an impression with me.
Hi Naomi, Michele sent me back again.
I didn't realize these were the same flowers and now they've dried but still have such beautiful colors. And here I thought you had to turn them upside down to dry. Gorgeous.
The flower arrangement seems very Southern looking to me, for some reason. I love how they aged. :)
Michele says hello
(I visited the pop in as well, but had to say hi).
The before and after shots of that floral arrangement are very interesting. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a "cabbage flower". I see where it got its' name from.
Michelle says hi.
Do you remember Jake Weber from that great Shahn Cassidy series called American Gothic?
I think I need to see this movie. Denzel is definitely pretty enough to sit there and look at even if I don't like it ;)
Denzel is definitely a hottie!
That flower arrangement is gorgeous! If we had it here, our kitties would eat it! They are sooooo bad :)
Name: OldOldLady Of The Hills
Location: Los Angeles, California