A few visual "highlights".....Here below is Ellen, in those first moments during her wonderfully funny monologue.... It's lovely to see a performer at the top of her game....and that she was. She brought a warmth and family feeling to the ceremony....And here below, a kind of wonderful 'visual', as Ellen's mother watched her daughter with great pride....
Her image is a little right of center, and we see the whole theatre with Ellen on stage and her image in one of the large moniters at the top of the picture and slightly to the side, all at the same time....
Another fun shot was after Ellen mentioned Jack Nicholson always enjoying himself so much at these award shows...and here is, below, thoroughly and completely enjoying himself.... Someone said he looks like Daddy War Bucks...well he kind of does...but I bet the 'look' is for a film he is shooting!
Part of the fun of The Oscars is when the camera's get these shots of some of the people in the audience, like Nicholson....I loved this next shot of Kate Winslet and her incredibly talented director husband Sam Mendes...where we see her holding on to his hand.... Another 'highpoint' for me was the whole section with the tribute and special Honorary Oscar to the great great Italian composer, Ennio Morricone, as introduced by Clint Eastwood. Their connection goes back to the 'spaghetti westerns' which brought Eastwood into prominance as well as Morricone....Morricone's body of work is pretty extrordinary and covers over 500 films....
One of the most haunting themes ever written by Morricone was the theme from "Once Upon A Time In America", an epic film that is very much worth renting if you have never seen it....Robert DeNiro and James Woods star, just to name two of the wonderful actors in this film.....
Celine Dion then sang the World Premiere of the new 'song', (lyrics by Alan and Marilyn Bergmann), of that theme, called "I Knew I Loved Him". Dion sang this song beautifully, though I must admit I don't particularly enjoy watching her sing....but the Morricone Family certainly did, and here they are, sitting in their special box in the theatre reserved for those receiving a Lifetime Achievment Award....
This Honorary Award has a deeper importance this year because it is only the second time in the hstory of The Academy Awards that a Composer has been so honored----the first one being that very talented American composer, Alex North, who's score for "Streetcar Named Desire" was truly memorable.
As I said, Marricone has composed the scores of over 500 films, which is almost unfathomable to me...a body of work that is unparrelled by any other film composer....The names of just five those films are, "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly", "Cinema Pardiso", "Bugsy", "The Untoucables", and "Once Upon A Time In America"....All his themes have a heartbreaking feel to them and listening to them always brings tears to my eyes...his music touches me very deeply and it has added so very much to all the films he has scored....Sometimes I remember the music more than the film itself.....yet, the film is there in all the notes..... A triumphant moment....and at almost 80 years old, Morricone is still writing and working in the movies, creating his always gorgeous and perfect music. And below, one more shot of Celine Dion singing that beautiful melody of Morricone's, with the Million Dollar Crystal curtain behind her....! Yes, that curtain cost one million bucks!
And here below is a rather historic moment...Al Gore's Documentary film, "An Inconvenient Truth" wins the Best Documentary Award for 2006, and he came up on stage with the Producers....
And to add to that special moment, there was the companion special moment of Melissa Ethridge winning the Best Song Award for 2006 for her song called "An Inconvenient Truth", written for that Documentary....
I believe that this is the first time in the 79 year history of The Academy Awards that a song written for a documentary has won the Best Song Award...I congratulate her on this win!
Another wonderfully moving moment to me was when Thelma Schoonmaker won her award for the editing of "The Departed". She is a master editor and Scorsese's secret weapon, so to speak. I love that he has always given her the credit that she so richly deserves...His deep and constant appreciation for her incredibly gifted contributions to his films I find very moving. They go back a long long way....they were in film school together and she has won five Oscars, including the one for "The Departed", and all of them are for Martin Scorsese films---"Raging Bull", "Goodfellas", "Gangs Of New York", and "Aviator".....it is also very interesting to me that she was married to, until his death in 1990, one of the greatest directors of film ever, Michael Powell. ("The Red Shoes", to name just one among many great films...). And according to IMDB, it was Scorsese who introduced them. Great talent attracts great talent!
I loved this next picture because it is Scorsese standing in the wings watching the Producers of "The Departed" accept the award for Best Picture of 2006. There are 5 Executive Producers, 3 Co-Producers and 3 Producers.....That is the way the movie business is now....the days of Louis B. Mayer, Producer, and Darryl F. Zanuck, Producer, are long long gone....It's economics. The cost of doing business, today... But according to the Academy's rules in this new age of many many 'Producers', only one is allowed to come up and speak to accept their award. In this case it was Graham King.
There is still so much more...Oh Lord, I may have to do a fourth post....Oy! But to finish this post off, I wanted to include one of the funnier moments during the 79th Academy Awards.The two young women from "The Devil Wears Prada", Ann Hathaway and Emily Blunt, were the presenters for Best Costume. And I thought this next bit was a very clever and fun way to introduce that category....They came out, and the camera went to Meryl Streep sitting in the front row, beaming at the two of them like a proud Momma.
And in their sort of alter-ego characters from that movie, they sparred a bit with each other and then spoke to Meryl as if in their characters, and Meryl then gave them her special "Prada" look.....
Hilarious! Meryl Streep is such a good sport and one feels she is very very comfortable in her own skin....she is one of this country's great great actresses, and I've lost count how many Nominarions she has had. I just know it is a lot!
One last thing. The lighting of the Academy Awards for Television is a humongeous and difficult job and talk about "artful". Everything that happens....every light on every star/presenter....every time there is a light change that is visble and not visible, too, on stage and in the house....this is all designed by one man. He is the top Lighting Designer of all these kinds of shows...and he just happens to be my next door neighbor.
A true gentle man and a true gentleman too, who has talent coming out of his pores....A standing ovation, please, for the superb....
More To Come.....
You know I had my cup of coffee extra made before coming here, I knew I would enjoy this Oscar post too! Great pics of Meryl Streep, she's wonderful!
Wow! What a great thread of photos and amazing reportage, Naomi. Unfortunately I could not watch the Oscar show and I am glad you share this great post with us! Thank you!
Gee. Million dollar curtains! I'm all impressed. Wish I'd gotten a better look at them.
I dote on Lighting, and Cinematography, too. They're what make it all look good.
I am so enjoying your narrative of the Oscars! I love the fact that you include all the personal little moments that happen and how it touched you :-)
Yet more extremely well deserved awards and do you know - I love the fact that all nominees got to be applauded at the start, because lets face it, that is an accolade in itself that deserves recognition!
Of course, as someone who used to work in lighting, I really really love your own tribute to the lighting designer for the Oscars. No small achievement adn from what I have seen it looked stunning! I really love how that expensive curtain is made to sparkle!
Oh, wow! All of these Oscar posts are wonderful! You are so very interesting.
I too, thought that Ellen was terrific.
I watched the Oscars last night and it was truly incredible! Honestly I dont like Ann Hathaways dress since she looks like a gift box or something unlike Emily Blunt who was stunning there. I am really looking forward to working in Hollywood or create something that will be Oscar worthy.
Thanks again for letting me know what I missed.
I don't usually care for these award shows but I must admit that this one was better than they usually go. And it seems that the tacky music they play to cut off the speeches has finally helped the winners prepare ahead of time and curb the time a little.
Here from Michele.
Thank you for your visit and for such a smashing post. It filled in a lot of gaps. I love the Oscars and all it celebrates. Yesterday I saw 'The Queen'. Great!
I didn't realis you are such an Oscars devotee Naomi! I can't really say that they tickle my pickle, too much talking and not enough action for me. But it is nice to get a little summary of the night from you!
Michele sent me today but you know I love stopping by anyway.
Hello, I am sorry that I have not been around for a while, I have just read part three and must go back and read part 1 &2 ! A fantastic commentory of the OSCARS. My husband and I (sound like The Queen don't I), well before we got married around 1989 we saw Melissa Etheridge suporting a group in our local Universtiy. We have just been talking about the concert(gig) and do not even remember the name of the main attraction! However , we will never forget the Melissa Etheridge gig. It was a small hall. She sang unaccompanied and was absolutely fanstastic. She used her guitar as both a musical guitar accompianment as well as a rhythm.drum section. My husband and I have been to many conerts over the years, my husband to many many more including being a roady for Gary Moore! Melissa's "one Man" show was and remains as one of our favourites. She is a very talented woman. A woman who deserves this award. We do not see all the OSCARS ceremony (unless we stay up all night) and were unaware of her award. Thanks so much for your post
I have just posted another post about my holiday, there are quite a few pics of the castles that we visited if you are interested
xx Fizz xx
That curtain was quite amazing. Was it 50,000 drops? I can't remember.
I bet they dismantle it and use it for 1000 chandeliers.
I also loved the Prada bit. Thought it was hilarious.
~S :)
(it took me 3x to post this comment! I had to eventually sign out and back in! Argh!).
Fantastic shots! You deserve an award yourself.
Happy weekend!
I enjoy your insights into the entertainment world. My main complaint with this Oscars was the way they would start that music automatically to get them off. Sometimes that's good when it's a list of people that goes on and on but a few times those winners were saying something more meaningful to the show than some of their 'special' features. I think it's a shame they can't be creative in terms of listening to what the person is saying and not automatically only giving them the 3 minutes or whatever they allow. This is a big moment for those winners and I don't see how it hurts us watching it to give them those few extra seconds to mention what it meant to them
I will repeat the comment I made on the last post: if I could watch the Oscars with you by my side, it would all be so much more interesting - since you know so much of the history and the people! I saw every minute of it, and liked it - but you made me like it even more.
You picked some of my highlights as well. I loved the bit that Leo and Gore did. I thought Ellen was GREAT! I just like her kind of everyday people quirky humor. I think Celine D is a good singer but she has lisp that is sort of irritating. I love Melissa winning too and though Helen was HOT with such a fun personality. Every since I was a young girl, I've looked forward to watching these awards and I still love it.
PS The Thirteen Thursday was supposed to end, but someone came forward to save it and it changed host hands. I would have kept going anyways.
I've enjoyed reading your Oscars. I missed the first half so it has let me feel like I've gotten all the good stuff I might have missed.
Jack's head shocked me that night. Like you I am betting that is for a film.
The Hathaway girl from "Prada" I didn't recognize from the red carpet pictures. I just couldn't figure out who that girl was so I am glad you had her in the post today.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend Naomi!
I love Jack Nicholson!
Million dollar curtains! Geez-a-lou!
I missed Celine Dion!! Arghhh!!! I must have switched channels for a few minutes. Drat, Drat, Drat!! That woman can SING!!
Here (finally) from Wendy's place. Thanks for the Oscar recap...I didn't watch it.
I knew there was a reason I didn't need to watch the Oscars. I just needed fate (and Michele's weekend game) to bring me back for a visit. It looks like you had a good time watching the Oscars.
Did I ever tell you about the time I was up for a 'Cloney' award ....
Hello from Michele and Nor Cal Clone :)
Coincidences galore......
Wendy directed me here....and Michele sent me here....
and to top it all off, I have just finished reading The Devil Wears Prada....
Could anyone else other than Meryl Streep have pulled off the revolting Miranda Priestley??
I think not :-)
Anyway, hi from Wendy, hi from Michele and hi from me..
If you find any beads from that curtain, I'll take them!!
it's so much fun "seeing the Oscars again" through your eyes Naomi.. you don't miss a trick!
I laughed at that moment with Meryl Streep too hahaha.. and when you think of how long ago she actually acted in it (then editing etc after) yet she went right into that character!
I also loved when Ellen played the audience and wanted her photo taken with Clint Eastwood.. lol.. cracked me up!
Just me again, sweetie.
Dropping a note to say
For some reason your profile isn't coming up. Can you go into 'edit profile' and make sure the box marked 'share profile' is ticked? I noticed people were having problems at Wendy's Casting Call.
btw - I am glad I'm not alone in adoring Ellen Degeneres. :-)
And again - Michele's is busy this weekend :-)
I love these photos you took off the TV - you either have an excellent camera, an excellent TV or both!!
btw - Mandy is, of course, superb in Season 2 of Minds.....although young Matthew 'has my eye' :-)
Thank you!
It is so cool that your neighbor did the lighting. WTG Robert!
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one
Great photo of Jack Nicholson. He is doing a film where he had to shave his head. He's doing something about cancer patients, apparently undergoing chemo. That should be interesting!
Can you imagine how many children in 3rd world countries that curtain could feed? Sigh.
Thank you for taking us on this journey, Naomi. Funny how I watched it on television, but you made it so much richer by writing about it here. Thanks for that!
This reminds me why the world of film is so rich and so important to our lives. It gives us something to aspire to, a common ground around which we can gather and share experiences. I'm so happy that we get to have your expert guidance along the way.
Hooray for Ellen!
Jerry Seinfeld was very funny when he did his bit too.
I agree that Meryl Streep is a great actress. I recently watched a unique, fun, quirky film called A Praire Home Companion. She was in it along with Lily Tomlin and other well known actors. It's one you might like to see.
Celine did a beautiful job on that lovely song, but she does make some odd faces at times. Just close your eyes next time she's singing on TV. :)
Wendy has sent me.
I hope that the comment earlier on wasn't too long.... *blushes*got a bit carried away
I, too, loved the human moments that the camera men captured on film. I laughed heartily at the antics and interplay of Meryl Streep with her two "girls". It was really funny.
While there's no disputing that Celine Dion is very talented, I'm not much for watching her sing, either.
I did not watch the Oscars but having read your post, I didn't need to. Thanks!
Here from Michele's.
I honestly tried to stay awake but sadly, didn't succeed so I missed most of the Academy Awards Show. I watch them every year and always look forward to the parade of beautiful people celebrating the stars of Hollywood films and every facet of creating them. This year I have been lucky to hear and see all 3 parts of your narrative with great photos of everything I missed.
Thanks Naomi...it was wonderful.
It is amazing how much money and work is put into these award shows. I would love to get a cahnce to go to one. I was able to watch bits and pieces of the show and really enjoyed it. Thanks for all the work you put into the post...it updated me on stuff I missed.
Michele sent me over this time!
I finally got myself over here to read part three.
I didn't need to watch the whole thing I could have just waited for the recaps from the amazing Aunty Em couldn't I.
Sunday night here and I have to go dish up dinner now.
Wow! I missed the Oscars with all these split shifts I'm doing. You really made me feel like I was there. I'm so happy an inconvient truth won. It so deserved it.
I missed watching the Ocsars! :( But i feel like i have caught up by reading your post!
I wish i could have been there, to meet all the stars. That would be awesome! :D
Michele Sent me
Happy Weekend
Maestro Morricone is not only a superb composer, he and his wife are delightful. I met them at the Italian Film festival in Hollywood last week. I'm betting the film musical score will be to the 21st century what the symphony was to the 19th.
Oh, by the way, there is a very interesting concert at l.a. opera this week called "recovered voices". It presents works by composers banned by the nazis--including one of my faves, Korngold, who did fabulous film scores when he got to hollywood. Anyone who is here in l.a. should try to go. Check the l.a. opera site for details. They also have a podcast you can download which gives the historial background.
And Long Beach Opera is doing a new opera from Anne Frank's diary. One of the performances is in l.a.
I've been here in your blog for a while reading all your great posts!!!
So much fun...such a great wrap up of the Oscars...I loved the show this year, fresh, funny, with so many new ideas...loved it!!!
I'm so happy for Ennio Morricone...it was about time for his Oscar...I still can't believe they never gave one to him for one of his 500 MOVIES o.O
Have a great one:)
Great photos and commentary. I didn't watch the whole show, but your coverage makes me feel as if I did.
Name: OldOldLady Of The Hills
Location: Los Angeles, California