And a bit later...a closer look at that sun streaming through the clouds throwing light on that part of the city, just as if a Lighting Designer worked for hours and hours to create this fabulous "effect".... I love my trees in this picture above....I call them my trees because I think they are so very beautiful and I never tire of photographing them because it is different every time....
Look here at this picture below.... The dramatic and beautiful sky behind my dear sweet sure to click on these pictures so you can see them bigger cause the bigger these pictures are, the more dramatic they are.....
And here below, is a far away shot of the whole panorama....Towards the middle lower left of the picture you can see the streaming sun, among other amazing things....such a dramatic sky that day...My Lordy.... And my little trees look so far away from me in this shot's more the camera than anything else because to the naked eye as I stand on my deck looking west, these trees don't look far away at all....they look much more like this below....
Well.....maybe not quite this close, can't win for losing can love those sweet trees a whole lot, as you all have no doubt figured out by now....And as you have probaly also no doubt figured out by now, you haven't seen the last of these dear sweet trees either.....
The voting is over for Whitney Steele and hopefully we will know sometime on Monday, January 22nd, 2007 what the outcome is....Thank You ALL for your votes and coming back and voting as often as you did...Hopefully, that helped to bring her to winning!
More To Come.....
Michele sent me over to say "good morning", Naomi. It's almost 5am on this side of the country but only 2 for you.
Those pictures are indeed beautiful, Naomi. And while I'd not react to a scene like that as Blanche Dubois might, it still awakes within me a sense of wonder--which I explain away quickly. :-)
Snow in southern CA. The world is indeed very unpredictable.
I've been waiting and hoping you took pics of that freak storm last Weds! My favorite is the first one. (I posted about that storm, too). It's really strange, isn't it? lol
Do you know I always think of those trees as being 'yours' LOL!
Those pictures are so dramatic. I just love it when the sunlight breaks through the clouds like shafts of light from the heavens. Glorious! I couldn't put it better than Blanche Dubois myself!
Naomi, there is no doubt that you have some of the most beautiful scenery to look at (from your home). It is almost better than a movie!
Re your question: I think it was Jan. 1964 that the snowstorm occurred, so you remember it too!
The "rest" of the story was just what you read - about the girls there in furs, etc.
I sure hope you save all of your photo's to a cd Naomi!! I can tell you are a happy camper when the camera is in your hands lol...
Ummm, say.. I am due out in LA in March, do you think you could arrange some nice weather for me? Oh.. and no quakes while I'm there please?!! lol
Snow in Malibu huh? Wow. Maybe there is hope for snow here!
Pictures of the sun streaming through the clouds like that are one of my favorite things. It makes me feel like God is reaching down and touching the earth with his fingertips. :)
What a great saying...I'd never heard that before and I love it!
The sky looks like masterpieces on canvas! Just breathtaking, Naomi! And how nice that you get to see it right from your balcony. Enjoy!
You're so right about your trees changing. I never would have guessed that 1 picture had your trees in it.
I love, love, love this weather...even though I'm literally FREEZING in it. But I like anything other than heat here. Your photos show exactly why! The sky is so dramatic & changes so quickly.
I couldn't believe when I heard it snowed in Malibu either. About 2 weeks ago when Tarzan walked out @ about 7am, he said it was snowing very lightly. Can you imagine that?
My brother likes cold weather, so he's been a happy camper in Southern CA these past couple of weeks.
The citrus industry in CA is not so happy!
The series of photos you've taken of your beloved trees shows how amazing and ever-changing the backdrop of the sky is. Truly remarkable each time you look out. Never the same way twice.
The sky and the ocean are things one can stare at and never tire of.
I always feel so uplifted and hopeful when beams of sun break through. It's perfectly holy! Isn't it fun to capture and share it here?!
We had an ice storm today. Here from michele's.
By the way Naomi, you take some GREAT Photos... i've been meaning to mention that when i Post... i've always been a camera nut myself... sad to say the last few years i've 'gotten' lazy... forget my cameras and buy the throw away things. We've been snowesd in here and i did take some pix of the trees.
WOW! Those are fabulous!
What beautiful pictures!
That must have been something to witness.
Thank you for sharing them.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one
Hasn't this weather just been crazy??? Now it's howling wind here tonight, but then Orange County is known for that, I guess.
As always, I love your trees, too. :)
Tis true... God's exterior decorating never ceases to amaze me! These are gorgeous ... and your little trees are well worth loving! (well... they're probably NOT so little...)
Hey... when will you hear about Whitney? I voted lots of times! I sure hope she wins!
Wonderful pictures Naomi! Very dark clouds then giving way to the bits of sun coming through. Lovely!
I voted for Whitney daily so my fingers are crossed for her!!
Those were beautiful pictures. What an inspiring sky. One of the benefits to living on a hill. It's awesome
Snow there??? The world is upside down. Global warming. Finally the US administration is going to do something, other than pay lip service, I hope.
Naomi, those photos are striking.
I remember that day... the weather was awe-inspiring.
Very lovely picture - thanks for sharing!
In Oslo, Norway now - after finally having some snow!!, we have wonderful, cold, clear weather and that is good because we are celebrating my wifes birthday and even the in-laws from US are here!
"I think that I shall never see.. a poem lovely as a tree" Joyce Kilmer is right ...they have an exquisite and wispy beauty that appeals to the heart.
Your little trees are truly lovely
God is indeed awesome....I marvel at His handiwork.
It's been some really strange weather this year so far hasn't it?. Ours has been lots of rain. It's gone now and snow flurries are expected this week a couple of times. I sure hope all is good when I leave for a visit with my Mom the end of this week:-).. I'm sure it will be. Have a good night!! :-).
So you didn't get any snow at all? We had sleet on Sunday but it turned to rain in the evening. And now here it is Tuesday and it is still gray and cold... winter finally arrived! The poor daffodils and dogwoods blooming around town are probably nipped and shivering or even wilted today.
That's crazy that you guys are getting snow.
Great shots, as always!
Wow! Those pictures are truly wonderful, just breathtaking, Naomi! I can't choose one, all them are fantastic! Well done!
Name: OldOldLady Of The Hills
Location: Los Angeles, California