He had worked for EuroBrokers from 1997 until that fateful day in September, having earned the titles of Bond Manager and Vice President. Bill had grown up in Kingston, MA along with his brother Dan. His parents, Lawrence & Diane, were so very proud of him when he became the captain of his league championship basketball team, and then was selected as it's Most Valuable Player. In college at Bridgewater State College in Massachusetts he was on The Dean's List and was captain of his Rugby Team. He was always an inspiration to his younger brother Dan, and his cousins and aunts & uncles, too...he was a great friend to many and he is missed so terribly by all who knew and loved him, particularly his parents, his brother, his dear wife and his precious little daughter... Bill lived in Norwalk, Connecticut with his beautiful wife and daughter. A very pretty place and within easy commuting distance to New York City and The World Trade Center.
He loved his little daughter Emma, with all his heart....his mom has written how touching it was to see him holding his precious daughter and that he just wanted to hug her all the time.
His beautiful wife Jennifer was the love of his life....
Bill was a very athletic young man and loved all sports, participating in many and enjoying watching even more....
But this darling little girl in the picture above, was the apple of his eye....
There is a beautiful 'legacy' page for Bill Hunt. And there, anyone can write their thoughts and feelings to him or about him. The most touching letters to Bill are from his mother and father, and from his brother Dan...I include just a few excerpts because their words are so very powerful and so very touching and deeply meaningful, too, as we recognize and acknowledge the eighth anniversary of this terrible day in our history and, as we give quiet pause on this day of remembrance. Here are a few passages from Bill's family found on that Legacy page.....
Here is just a small excerpt from a letter from his mom, Diane.... Rest well, dear Bill Hunt, on this, the eighth anniversary of September 11th, 2001.
On this Tenth Anniversary do take a look at what Bill's dear family wrote to him in these last few days.....Here is the link to Bill Hunt's Legacy.com Memorial book.....If you get a chance, do visit this continuing document of loss and love and remembrance.......
Wow. 5 years later and it's still so darned sad. What a great tribute. Just beautiful.
Its so so sad about the families left behind as a result of the 9/11 tragedy. Bill will always be lovingly remembered by the family and friends he left behind.
Extremely touching. The photos and your descriptions got me. Thank you.
Here via 2996.
A beautiful tribute Naomi. What an adorable little girl, I am sure she will grow up to be so proud of her Dad.
it's an absolutely beautiful tribute to a wonderful family man who left the earth before his time due to the maliciousness of murders who kill in the name of religion.....a complete and senseless loss of life of this beautiful man and so many others.....lives have changed forever and no doubt a very self destructive path of some of the living who are still unable to cope with this incredible tragedy.....you should take great pride, dearest naomi, that you have given him great justice by honoring him, a complete stranger, in such a caring and selfless way....you ARE forever linked to this family due to your beautiful tribute....i pledge to live a more meaningful life from this day forward....all my love, shawn
I'm just bawling. I can't even conceive of the pain of having a loved one ripped out of your life. I'm constantly baffled by the hate mongers out there who believe they are right and everyone else is wrong, and the end justifies their means. Murder is murder, plain and simple, and I don't think any God would condone the actions the highjackers took. Thank you for sharing this memorial and reminding us of the loss others still feel.
I read this with tears falling, and I cannot fathom how horrible it is for his family that he is gone - and knowing the way he left. We must never forget, Naomi, and I applaud your efforts here, to mark the memory of this handsome young man.
I pray that Bill's family finds peace this year. Such a tragedy, hopefully never repeated.
Kendra Lynn
Beautiful, Naomi, just beautiful.
I have posted my tribute :-(
What a wonderful tribute to such a loving and caring man. Bill was so much more than a victim of 9/11 as you have so eloquently pointed out. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. The earth heaved a sigh of regret with his passing.
Rest in peace Bill,
Auntie Lyn
I hope my tribute turns out as powerful as yours when I finish it.
{Salute Naomi}
{Salute Bill}
Though I'm from the Philippines, very much oceans away from the incident, I do feel the hurt of the families of those victims of the Sept. 11 tragedy. I cannot just imagine how such people could do so much bad to so many innocent people. People who had families who loved them, people who had families who depended on them. I just cannot accept the fact that there are such people who can hurt and take away innocent lives. People who do not care about others but themselves.
Will be posting mine on the 11th.
This beautiful tribute brought tears to my eyes, Naomi. It breaks my heart to see this beautiful family suffer this pain. What a terrible tragedy. I am so sorry for all 2996 victims and their families. Thank you for sharing this touching memorial.
This was beautifully written, nice tribute! I was far away when it happened...but we as a family were in a plane when it happened....So it could have happened to us. How awful, what a tragedy, I truly have no words. I am not participating because I will be gone next week and I am not sure that I will have a) time and/or b) internet connection...
a beautiful tribute dear one. to a sorely missed man.
Beautiful Naomi, just beautiful. It made me cry. Wonderful tribute you did for this fine young man. Such sad reminders of that awful day. So, so sad for the families.
As I go page to page reading the tributes. It just breaks my heart how many wonderful people were taken that day.
Your tribute is beautiful. It's all so sad. We must never forget.
Thanks for sharing a tiny glimpse of this loved man with us all. I pray His family will have comfort and peace...
That am a furry good tribute OOL! You done good! Tell Sweetie hi & stop by to read mine Mommas tribute.
What a beautiful tribute; the pictures were wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time. Thank you for this tribute to Bill Hunt.
My tribute is up as well.
Excellent tribute! Well done. May God bless his family and the families of all the others lost on that day.
I sit here with tears in my eyes are reading the heartbreaking comments regarding the (still) sad and heavy hearts of this ypung man's family. Thank you for your touching tribute to a life cut down way too quickly. I just posted my tribute today.
So many real people with rich lives and people who loved them... cut short. It's heartbreaking... and for me is all mixed up with losing my brothers. We buried Dan just a week before the attacks. Two brothers, two towers.
Thank you for sharing this.
So far this is the one that has had me in tears. What a beautiful family and the love is so evident. Thank you for posting it.
Mine is up today
A beautiful tribute. I hope that his family is finding peace.
how very touching. Thank you
Here from Michele`s. I am another person who still cries at the thought of 9/11, even though it has been five years and no-one I knew directly was affected. It is the thought of all the people I don`t know who lost loved ones that always makes me feel unbelievably sad. Your tribute to Bill is beautiful and makes me remember how truly lucky I am to still have my husband around.
Mr Hunt did lose a lot by dying. His daughter is cute as the dickens and such a beautiful wife. He was far, far too young to die especially in such a senseless fashion. I hope his family can move on and somehow regain trust in this crazy world of ours.
Michele sent me, Naomi!
Heartbreaking, this loss was. Such a lovely young family, such a lovely young man, lost.
It's been five years, and I wonder what we really lost that day and will we ever really be able to replace it.
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful young man. I know his wife, daughter, and family members will miss him all the days of their lives. Thank you for writing such a poignant memory of this fine man and for including so many pictures. I'm just shattered when I think of the loss from 9/11.
I invite your readers to visit my site to read my special tribute to Cynthia Wilson who died on 9/11 when the WTC Tower 1 fell.
You did a very nice job with this tribute, Naomi. You were fortunate to be able to get so much info on Bill. May he rest in peace and may his family and friends be comforted with good memories.
My tribute on the name I was given will be posted on Monday morning. A very sad time in our country right now.
Your tribute to this man is wonderful!
Each person who was lost that day deserves to be remembered. Every blog that posts a memorial tribute is helping to honor one who was lost.
I will have my tribute post up soon for the person I am honoring.
Thanks for helping us never forget what terrorists took from us.
We are still standing eye to eye, boot to boot with our enemies. May we never lost heart!! May we never face loss again at the hands of terrorists like we did that horrible day.
I see from your TV meme that you haven't watched Malcom in the Middle. I love that show! I haven't watched it much recently, but it really is a funny show.
What a beautiful tribute. My thoughts and prayers go out to Bill's family. Thanks for sharing his story.
I have posted a tribute for Judson Cavalier. Check it out when you get a chance.
What a lovely tribute! Thank you for honouring Bill.
Mine is up.
That was really beautiful. I love his mom saying "Have a great day in Heaven." Thanks for stopping by my tribute to Marjorie C. Salamone.
Such a touching and amazing tribute to Bill. I was touched by your choice of words and excellent imagery. Bill's wife and family would be so proud.
Mine is up now also.
What a great tribute. I'm teary. Thanks to you and the entire 2996 participants for honoring the victims and their families.
So sad to hear about it. But it is nice to be aware of this kind of tragedy. So people will remember the lives lost.
What an absolutely heart wrenching story! The loss of these people is still felt years later. That shows something of the quality of life and of their love of life that each of these individuals shared.
Thank you for visiting Gunz's tribute to Sara Low. http://ebyzandgunz.blogspot.com/
My tribute to Claudia Suzette Sutton is also up. http://claudiasuzettesutton.blogspot.com/
Thank you for your dedication.
You have created a wonderful tribute for Bill. It is no less than a celebration of his life.
I have offered something basic at The Lives And Times Of Anthony McCune. I hope that it is a meaningful contribution to the project.
5 years and we all still remember it so vividly.
Wonderful job you did honoring your 9/11 victim, Bill Hunt. I am sure his family would love it. And I am sure they still miss him horribly. What a beautiful baby girl he left behind.
Incredibly moving tribue to an amazing man and his family. Thank you for sharing!
I'm also a 2996 Blogger going through other's stories now and remembering all. It is just beyond sad. My tribute is here.
What a fabulous tribute. I loved all the pictures. What a needless death!
God bless his family.
I am participating in the tributes and you can read mine on my blog.
What a great tribute. He had such a lovely family. Tragic.
I have a tribute on my blog, too, if you want to stop by.
Seems just like yesterday when this very tragic incident happened. You surely did a ver good tribute about him He is definitely smiling up there now.
My prayers are with his family and friends.
It has been a difficult but necessary thing to do to remember a dear friend whose life was taken away in the worst moment in the history of the United States.This is a remarkable Tribute to the brave men and woman who served our Country by responding to this unprovoked attack by enemies of ALL free societies. We must stand together all over the world regardless of our religious beliefs or Nationalities and fight this form of terrorism which is bent on placing us all into their religious bondage. We are in the midst of WW111 and most people have chosen to take a position of denial, we must recognize this treat for what it is and respond to destroy it now before it is too late. We must never forget the victims of 911 or any of the other attacks of terrorism that has taken lives around the globe in different Nations, their blood cries out for Justice. With the Lords help we shall ring the bell of Freedom throughout our world. Anyone who views this tribute and does not shed a tear, is not human.
Thank you so much.
God Bless!!
This is a beautiful tribute.
So many are missed each day, I am glad to learn their names and their stories.
wonderfully penned....bless you...stop by my blog when u get a chance..
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful tribute! I can't say enough how this man's story really took ahold of my heart...it's there to stay and the images of him and his family as well. Very nice pics. Love is indeed eternal and I felt it come through with this extremely well written and thought-out tribute. Super nice job.
As always, beautifully written, I am deeply touched by all of these tributes.
I proudly honored Jay Robert Magazine on my blog.
Oh my gosh, the letters from his family has me all choked up. Naomi, you wrote such a beautiful tribute for him. As your usual trademark, you have told a beautiful story with words & pictures. It's so very apparent that Emma was indeed the apple of his eye.
So very sad. So many of these people were so young, and left young families. You did an amazing job with this tribute!
If you'd like to visit mine, you are welcome to find it here.
Beautiful post. I can't see for the tears right now.
As the tears flow and I remember the events of that day and that feeling of shock, disbelief and anger; all that comes to mind is.. good job Naomi, you've made him proud.
And.... rest in peace Bill Hunt, too soon taken and too long now gone.
Wonderful tribute to Bill..
Thank you for sharing his story with us..
My thoughts and prayers are with his family and all the other families as the 5th Anniversary of 9/11 approaches.
God bless you,
You may visit my tribute at:
Wow! Wonderful tribute. Reading it put tears in my eyes. I am going thru the list, reading, remembering that tragic day. I just posted my tribute to a firefighter.
Beautiful tribute to Bill Hunt. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as I write this. I have enjoyed reading all the different tributes and this one is wonderful. I love all the pictures you encluded. Thank you for doing this....
My heart feels broken for those that love Bill. Memories are great but having him here in the flesh would be best.
I have to wonder if the terrorists even considered the enduring pain they would be causing? Most likely not or if they did they probably laughed about it. Animals every one of them. May their eternal reward be filled with terror...
Wow. Thank you.
A wonderful tribute page, Naomi.
Such a lovely tribute. It is important we remember these people and the things that happened.
Thank you for helping to remember. A very beautiful tribute.
I have a tribute at my place too, and you're welcome to leave a link to any tributes.
That was a beautiful tribute. I can't find very much information on the person I was given. I think your post was awesome!
Wow...ya did good. That was an amazing tribute.
Here via Michele's today...
my tribute is finally up.
i love yours, it's amazing how much you could collect. thanks for sharing!
these people will always be remembered and will always remain in our prayers.
what a beautiful tribute. i'm so glad you were able to find such wonderful photos that captured who he was.
mine is up at http://jedisue.blogspot.com
That was so beautiful. What a heartfelt tribute. How incredibly sad for his family to be here all these years without him. He wasn't just a name on a list of people who were killed on this day. Thank you.
These are are all so amazing to read. I wasn't brave enough to find the words myself. So glad you and others were able to.
wow... i feel like i need to redo my tribute.... yours is truly wonderful and i cannot believe how much info you have and the number of pix... that is so awesome and he sounds like a wonderful man. i especially like the comment from his mom saying "have a wonderful day in heaven".... sigh... so heart wrenching... thanks for a touching tribute!
Lady, you did a wonderful job on your tribute. Project 2996 has been a blessing. I remembered Thomas Foley, but reading everyone else's tributes has introduced me to some wonderful people.
Another father taken too soon. Beautiful well written tribute
Very touching and very beautiful - thank you for letting me know Bill. He sounds like he was a truly remarkable person. My tribute is posted at the Meezers blog. - Meezers Mom Mary
What a lovely family, and to have lost so much. Thank you for the tribute.
I honor Lt. Col. Johnson today.
You've brought me to tears with the letters written to Bill by his parents, his father in particular. Thank you.
Tribute to Christopher Paul Slattery
(BTW, it's nice to see a familiar face in the circle of tributes; I sometimes visit your blog from Suzann's.)
A very sad story, Naomi. Brought vividly to all of us. Thank you for your deft handling of Bill's life and for your participation int his project.
What a wonderful tribute....you did a beautiful job.
I honored: Edward Raymond Vanacore
bless you Naomi,and all the families for whom this is a very hard day. I am proud to know so many took the time to write beautiful tributes. AND proud of DALE ROE also!
we will never forget
Beautiful tribute Naomi. His legacy will live on in that beautiful child.
Such a sincere tribute about Bill. Those to know him were blessed indeed!
Lovely, just lovely.
So beautifully done, dearest Naomi. You manage to both mourn this man's death and celebrate his life and legacy. I'm grateful to share your eloquent tribute to him.
You have done a fantastic job paying Tribute to Bill Hunt. So sad to read some of these Tributes, to see what is left behind to go on with some sort of daily routine and new lives. Thanks for helping me learn a little more about Bill and his life.
God Bless all the families who have loved & lost.
My Tribute is to James F. Lynch..
Doggone it. I got through most of the 9/11 posts without crying. Yours just undid me. Lovely tribute.
Such a lovely family. My heart aches for them. I am also having trouble getting online???
I honored Michael Haub, FDNY
this was an amazing tribute. reading it, seeing the photographs.. it was great. I feel so bad for his wife and family. His baby girl who wont have a daddy to give the fathers day gifts she makes in school too... this was a horrible tradgedy and we will not forget!
thank you for stopping in at my place to read my tribute to Matthew.
Thank you, your tribute was beautiful.
Five years have come, and five years have gone, and still we stand together as one…
I did not know any victims, but I learned a lot about my asigned person. His tribute is on my blog.
9/11 is what compelled me to re-join the military and do my part.
You wrote a wonderful tribute to an exceptional young man. He loved and was loved, no one can grieve his loss more than his family and friends. I offer my condolences to them on the 5th anniversary of that horrible day. I loved seeing him so happy in life with his wife and daughter. You made him real to all of us. We will not forget.
I memorialized Catherine A. Nardella who died at the WTC on 9/11.
Such a very beautiful way to remember Bill Hunt and the other victims of 9/11.
My appreciation to the tribute.
Thank you for your beautiful tribute to Bill. He was indeed a man full of life. Though I did not know anyone personally, I feel that I have gotten to know so many lives that were lost that day.
We will never forget.
I remember Lisa Egan
A fine insightful tribute to Mr Hunt you've given us, thank you. Please see a Mr. Eddie A. Dillard here if you wish, and thanks again.
A beautiful tribute to Bill.
So many were so young.
Thanks for stopping by to pay tribute to Harry Ramos, killed while comforting a complete stranger.
A beautiful tribute. It's so hard reading these. Much love.
That's an incredibly beautiful tribute. It's nice to know that he is so well-remembered and honored. There are a number of victims who are not too-well known about, in terms of information available about their lives.
his sweet little daughter Emma Kathryn Hunt, who was just 15 months old at the time of his death
How heartbreaking...too young to remember firsthand, the love of her father. I hope tributes to him, such as the one you wrote, can help Emma appreciate the father she was only just beginning to know. God bless the memory of Bill Hunt.
incredibly moving. and yet, he is just one among the many who died on that fateful day. may the victims of this horrible tragedy and their families find peace. they will forever live in loving memory.
I am overwhelmed by the enormity of such a sad, tragic loss as was each victim of that dreadful day 5 years ago . Your tribute deeply touched my heart and I know Bill will never be forgotten.
Absolutely beautiful....
WOW, Naomi, I'm comment # 108! I was here when you first posted this, and it is a great tribute. Michele sent me back this time.
What a wonderful tribute to this man. The memories of that fateful day will always include thoughts of the tributes written of those folks who died for no good reason. Thank you and all the others for helping us to get to know them.
Naomi, what a lovely tribute. And how sad to look at that beautiful, beautiful family. You've said it all so well.
I'm just stopping by to say hello. Hope you're well.
That was such a moving story. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on such a wonderful man, son, husband & father. These are the kinds of stories that ensure we never forget.
I think we all relate to this loss because it could befall any of us on any given day. I'm at a loss for words, Naomi, because you paid such a fitting and eloquent tribute to a life well lived, and a life lost far too soon.
You are a kind and gentle soul. Something tells me his family would derive comfort by reading what you wrote.
you did well in honoring Bill, Thank you so much!
I'm so glad you stopped by - this is such a wonderful tribute.
Doing this project year after year, I feel like these were friends who were killed.
I will never forget...
For those of us who didn't have loved ones in 9-11, we say, "gosh, it's been 8 years already?" For those who did have loved ones killed, they've felt the loss and pain every day of those 8 years. Lovely post. Thanks for remembering.
Wow. Tears are in my eyes. You know whats funny. I can cry for this but my closest person as a grandfather passed away Sunday and I couldnt let a tear roll. Weird.. My husband I were talking about how we each heard about 9/11. I had the tv on and woke up with the news on. He heard it on the radio that never breaks in for any kind of news..
Beautiful, painful, yet very needed so we never forget the individuals and their families. Thank you.
Thanks for the post, Naomi. It's a good project.
what an amazing project
makes a huge event so much more personal
I looked at the photos of Bill and his baby girl and thought of my own son and his baby girl and felt a wave of gratitude for what I have
thank you
I remember wayching them being built. You could see them from the beach where I lived in Long Beach. Hard to belive that these wonderful building could besome a mass of twisted steel onl three stories high. Eight years an eternity for some, and just like yesterday for others, others who carry the deep scar of grief on thier hearts forever. Peace and love to each and every family today ... I have walked in tragedy and know your pain. N, wonderful post. hugz
Lovely tribute to a lovely man, Naomi. I'm putting a link to this on my blog.
so tragic
My heart goes out to anyone who has ever lost someone precious to them. It never gets any easier. The fact that this is so public has to be just a little bit harder. May all of the people who lost someone special on 9-11-01 find some kind of peace.
What a wonderful tribute. I'm truly lost for words.
What a wonderful and touching tribute, Naomi! I remember very well the tribute you did. It's so sad, such a tragedy... I am without words...
Thank you for helping us remember this wonderful man and his family!
Beautiful tribute. I have read a few throughout the day. I cannot read very many at a time; too much pain.
So sad. Thank you for helping us keep all of those who died in our thoughts and prayers.
What a wonderful tribute, Naomi!
I participated in this project a few years ago as well. Andrea Lyn Haberman was my girl. She was 22 years old and was visiting NY for the first time. She was 20 min. early for a business meeting on the 92nd floor of the tower. No one from that floor survived.
She was engaged to be married on December 1, 2001, and had just bought her first house in Chicago.
I received an e-mail from her fiance's sister shortly after I posted her story. She was thankful and very sweet and the whole time I was reading it, I was teary-eyed with goosebumps.
It was an amazing experience and one I'm glad I participated in. Thanks for sharing Bill's story with us; we can never forget these people, can we?
God bless you for reminding in this tribute that love is possible- and we should never take it for granted.
A lovely tribute Naomi to a special man in a close, loving family.
It seems to me that in spite of the evil committed that day what shines through is the human spirit; the courage, heroism and love and the belief that 'there will be another day.'
God bless all the families concerned.
What a great idea, to discover the lost lives of each person. Remembering a person keeps them alive. Difficult to make good out of the events of that day, but it is up to us to try. Never forget. I doubt we ever will.
Very nice, Naomi.
I am convinced we were never meant to get over this tragedy, like those who witnessed Pearl Harbor, something was wrong with our world that can not be fixed. God bless America, and our troops. Thank you to families like this that go on, and help me know I can too.
Another lovely tribute and I'm crying again.
That's very touching. The events of that day were horrible and tragic. My thoughts are with the families who still mourn the loss of their family members. I'm sure we all have a connection to the tragedy in some remote way. A friend here in my small town has a son who lives in NYC, and he had an appointment in one of the WTC buildings later that morning. He never got to his meeting, thank goodness!
a very touching and wonderful tribute, Naomi.
That was amzing and what a wonderful tribute Naomi to a fine young man who was dearly loved. Thank you.
RIP Bill Hunt and much love and strength to your family.
Thank you so much for writing this beautiful tribute to Billy. He was a best friend of 20 years. I'm so touched by the job you did. I'm still unable to articulate who he was to me and so many others. People just loved him. He was that guy. But very kind. He listened well. And he loved his family and friends. A very loyal man.
I'm grateful for the time you took researching Billy, a stranger to you, I wish you could have met him. You would have loved him, too.
Bin Laden Dead.
Still think about Bill all the time
David Petrie
magnificent my dear friend
it is a loving, living tribute to one person
and to all
Thanks Naomi.
Hi Naomi,
It was a beautiful idea back at its inception and that sentiment still holds true today.
A fitting tribute to just one of so many.
As powerful as the first time you posted it, Naomi.
9/11/2001 is one of those days where you will always remember where you were, and what you were doing. Indelibly etched in one's mind.
thank you for this.
A tragic story. No parent should have to outlive their child and no little girl should have to lose her Daddy.
The Memomrial services both in New York and London illustrate how great the loss is to the families - the grief doesn't go away. One prays they will find comfort in the fact that their loved ones are remembered with such love and respect.
I couldn't watch any of the media coverage of the 10th year remembrance. It's still too vivid in my memory what happened. To me, it's the day the world changed and I didn't have any people involved in the event. Still, the impact hit me as I know it did most people. It was just overwhelming to experience and try to understand.
The incredible shock is gone but the pain is quite present. I thought I was through crying-- guess not.
Beautiful post Naomi and needed repeating. When it happened, the numbers were so great that it wasn't comprehensible, then the faces and stories started to appear and the pain became real and personal.
Pray to God we never have to live through such an ordeal again nor lose such wonderful people.
Thanks you.
Thank You Naomi for this tribute once again. May we never forget,
Pat for ny
Dear Naomi,
What a beautiful, moving and touching homage on this post Remembering Bill Hunt 7/27/69 - 9/11/01.
I watch with tears on my eyes on tv the coverage of the 10th year remembrance. What a terrible, tragic and sad day... All the World will never forget.
Thanks Naomi, for this Beautiful Tribute.
PS: Sorry my belated comment.
i miss having u throw my paper balls in the garbage
If I read nothing else this week, I am glad I read this post.
They were real people that died that day.
We must not forget.
My husband was on American Airlines through New York this year. Made it easy to remember and extra good to have him back home. Safely.
Name: OldOldLady Of The Hills
Location: Los Angeles, California