It's great when the Internet is used for such a good purpose. I'm glad she found you and shared the pictures. What a nice surprise.
How marvellous for you to receive this historic photograph from someone who lives the other side of the world, and have all those happy memories come flooding back. Thank you for sharing this story. You must have been so thrilled when Susan contacted you with her "blast from the past"!
I'm leaving this comment and I'm off to Amazon to see if Spoon River is on a CD or download. You've mentioned it before, of course, and I've meant to seek it out, but it's always slipped my mind.
No more!
That's really great! What a special gift.
I tried to comment earlier on but it wouldn't work. How wonderful to discover all these great photos, and bring back such wonderful memories for you!
Recording in a studio must have been very different then. I ran a fan club for Bobby Vee, and when he recorded all his hits like Rubber Ball, Take Good Care Of My Baby and the Night Has A Thousand Eyes they were all recorded live with the orchestra etc all in different booths in the studio, and the vocals were live as well. Just amazing.
What a life you've led! How great that you have so mant concrete mementos, plus of course the memories. I just reading about your life.
oh my! this is such a treasure! i loved seeing all of these photos and reading about your memories of that day! you've *literally* made a little imprint of history right here for all of us to see and read-- THANK YOU! and i seriously (seriously!) can't wait for the "more to come!"
I just realized that Charles Aidman is the actor from two of my favorite "Twilight Zone" episodes: "And When the Sky Was opened" and "Little Girl Lost."
I have always enjoyed his performances.
My good friend, Bruce, use to work for an actor's union and had to visit many a Broadway recording session. He told me just what you have written; The session is always recorded on a day the cast has off, and it is done in one day.
"Spoon River" must have been a great experience for you.
How exciting. I've seen many plays at the Booth but I wish I could've seen that one. To think JFK was still President when you opened. I have the cast album...and love it. And I'm glad I got to see the revival several years ago at Theatre West.
P.S. to Kevin: Don't forget Charles Aidman's great guest spot on "The Dick Van Dyke Show!"
I'm Susan Burkat Trubey's sister, the one who provided the picture! I am so thrilled to have been able to read your entry blog about Spoon River Anthology and the history around the recording. I had the picture framed and on the wall in my house, but wasn't sure exactly what I was looking at, beyond that it was my father (Leonard Burkat) pointing at people during the recording of the show. I didn't know what my father's role in the recording of it was, as I had just turned 9 then and, quite frankly, didn't care at the time, lol! But now I do! I'm planning to print out your entry of the blog to pass on to my sons so they know.
Thanks again for this information. It has been as invaluable reading your blog as it has been for you, I am guessing, looking at the picture!!
Caroline Burkat Hall
Danbury, CT
What a glorious gift!! I'm going to look for it -- the English major in me loved Masters' poetry!
Naomi, isn't it wonderful what the internet has done for us all? Yours is the 2nd blogI've read tonight where someone from the past contacted a blogger because of something they wrote about. It's just wonderful!!
A gift that brought back memories... the best kind of gift. :)
So nice of you to share them and your memories with us.
The internet has really made this a small world. Wonderful find with those pictures and a new friend made.
You have led such an interesting life filled with talented people that mostly have remained in your life.
WOW that is so neat! You must be thrilled to have received that photo. Paired with you memories it makes for a great post Naomi. Have you sent this to Joyce too?
Oh Naomi, I love reading your stories... I need to get my act together and start reading blogs
This was a fascinating post! Thank you for sharing part of your life.
Nancy in Iowa
This post is an example of why I treasure old photos. Just one photograph can bring back wonderful memories and take us back to the day it was taken.
I'm so glad you were able to relive and share the day with us. Your theater stories are always so fascinating. I would love to hear more.
what a lovely memory. So glad she found you!!! The internet can be pretty amazing.
Such a long time ago and I bet it brought back fond memories to you Noami. You are a classic beauty I must say :D
What an amazing post. It is full of memories, information and love. Your posts are always so interesting. I love to come to your blog. Thanks again – you are quite a lady.
What a lovely bolt from the blue. That must have evoked so many memories. You mean you can play the violin too? It's just not fair;) Too much talent for one person.
Wouldn't it be great if someone decide to revive Spoon Rive?
My gosh Naomi, you have really had a life - you really have. May you have many more years ahead full of stories to share with us....
hy. thanks for your article. its nice
Name: OldOldLady Of The Hills
Location: Los Angeles, California